Friday, September 2, 2011

Podcast #1 Elements of Design

What does it take to create good graphic design?
-Requires an understaning of the elements of graphic design

What is the difference between elements and principles?
-Elements are the things we actually design and add to a piece of art
-Principles tell us how we should organize elements on a page

Name the six (6) elements of design.
1. line
2. shape/form
3. space
4. texture
5. value
6. color

What can lines aid in, when alone or combined with  other lines or shapes?
-Message of the design

Which lines suggest a feeling of rest? Why do you think?
-Horizontal lines because they lay flat and are calm

Vertical lines communicate a feeling of what? Why do you think?
-Height because they are taller

What lines suggest a feeling of movement? Why do you think?
-diagonal because the line doesn’t stay straight it moves up/down and across like something moving around the page

Soft, shallow curved lines suggest what? Why do you think?
-comfort, safety and relaxation because the lines are smooth and not sudden straight turns. (used in vehicle commercials)

These lines suggest confusion and turbulence? Why do you think?
-Deep curves because they are bolder and more noticable

What element defines a specific area of space?

What is the difference between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes?
-2d has width and height
-3d has depth, width and height

Describe the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes?
-geometric shapes are symtrical such as: squares, circles, triangles
-organic are found in nature or man made; irregular

What are abstract shapes?
-over simplified versions of natural shapes

Which basic shape projects an attitude of honesty or equality?

What do triangles suggest?
-action, stability pyramid

Circles convey feelings of what?
-protection and infinity

Describe positive space and negative space?
-positive is the objects and elements used such as: text graphics photos lines shapes
-negative is the space around and between objects/elements; place for the eye to rest

What is texture?
-actual surface of a design (touchable) implied by use of rich layer graphics

Incorporating texture into a design can help do what?
-create a feeling of richness and depth

What is value?
-degree of light and dark in design. Black/white. Depth and perception

What is another name for value?

What can the element of color do when incorporated into a design?
-convery moods, create images, attract attention, and idenity objects

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