
1). Why is it important to identify safety issues and to safely offer equipment utilized in the classroom? 
-So you can make sure you are never in a dangerous situation while working and in case an emergency does come up, you will know what to do.

2). How do interpersonal and employability skills effect both your everyday life and your future?  
-They affect the way you interact with people and how you work, the better, the more jobs and relationships you will have

3). What is graphic design and why is it important to communicate visually? 
-Graphic design portrays a message through the use of images and a small amount of text. People don't want to sit there and read a whole passage; they would rather see something that gets there attention immediately and easily. 

4). What are the elements of design and how are they incorporated into a design?

-line, shape, value, color, texture, and space

5). What is a vector-based design and how is it created?
-A design made of lines, shapes, and curves.

6). How is color used effectively in a graphic design?
-Bright colors represent lively things while cool colors represent calmness

7). What is a raster-based image and how is it created?
-By combining tiny little pixels together

8). How does the manipulation of size and resolution effect digital images?
-The image can only be manipulated so much until the image becomes distorted and loses clarity.  

9). What are the principles of design and how can they be used within a design?

  • Balance 

  • Proportion 

  • Rhythm 

  • Emphasis 

  • Unity 

  • Each of these is used in a different way depending on what the design is trying to portray. 

  • 10). What is the function of type within a design?
    - Type sets a certain mood for the image. For example a more formal type would give a professional feel, where as a decorative type would make the design more fun and interesting.

    11). How do designers use a page layout program?
    - The program will show how the page/ book will look when it is actually printed out. It shows facing pages and ones that will be front/back of each other. 

    12). What steps does a designer take to design a page layout from concept to final product?

    1. Research
    2. Brainstorm/ Inspiration
    3. Sketch
    4. Execute
    5. Critique/ Revise
    13). What are the key developments in the history of visual communication? How did these developments shape our industry?
    -They made communication easier by giving us easier access to a wider variety of forms of communication. Things such as cameras, paintings, symbols, computers, etc. From all of these things we have learned a lot about the past and they have given us important information that help us understand the way life was back then 

    14). What careers are available within the field of graphic design? What professional organizations are associated with the industry?
    - Creative designer
    -production artist
    -web designer 
    -comic book designer
    -production designer
    -publication designer