
Target audience: 
The specific group of people that your idea or message is directed to 

The idea or thought that is trying to be portrayed by an image or icon

Work ethic: 
The traits that an employee should posses in order to complete tasks properly. For example being on time for deadlines, having a good attitude towards coworkers, wanting to always do better or try harder. etc..

Employability skills: 
The skills needed by the employee in order to get, keep, and do a job properly. Some include punctuality, safety, good attendance, appropriate attitude. response to stress, work quality, etc.. 

20/20 Rule:
For every twenty minutes spent looking at the computer screen, you should look away and stare at something for twenty seconds. (prevents from straining your eyes)

Right-To-Know Laws:
The law that requires an employer to make all employees aware of possible hazards or safety concerns in a work place

A symbol that represents an object  

Vector-based graphics: 
graphics made up of paths that have starting and ending points rather than pixels

Specs/specifications of a project: 
The requirements or the specific way a job should be done in order to be correct

Lines or rulers that show increments so you know where to draw or what area to stay within

The way a document is saved (.ai .png .psd)
Contextual menu: 
Could be called a "pop out menu" or "pop up" right click
Clipping mask:
a shape you are for example going to clip your photo on meaning that you are going to have your photo take the shape of your mask

A color or shade

Primary colors:
Red, yellow, blue (cannot be made by mixture).

Secondary colors:
Orange, Green, Purple (made by mixing 2 primary colors).

Tertiary colors: 
Red-orange,  yellow-orange,  yellow-green,  blue-green (made by mixing 1 primary with 1 secondary).

Neutral colors:
Beige, ivory, taupe, black, gray. white

Continuous tone image:
where each color at any point in the image is reproduced as a single tone, and not as discrete halftones, such as one single color for monochromatic prints, or a combination of halftones for color prints.

Used for pixel count in digital imaging

File size:
How big or how much the file hold


a structure when two identical letters seem to combine together

The & sign

Small caps:
A smaller point size of a capitol letter

The regular version of a letter (asdfg)

The capitol version of a letter (ASDFG)

Flush Left:
aligned to the left

Flush Right:
aligned to the right

each line is centered on the center axis (formal feel)

aligned on the left and on the right

Small Caps:
Capital letters than align at the waist line

all align horizontally. (uniform)

small body size plus ascenders and descenders

The space in between lines of type

The extra white space on the top, bottom, and sides of the page. (The important features stay inside of the margins.)

an idea; something formed in one's mind

Final product:
the end results

Thumbnail: A quick sketch to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper

Initial Cap: a larger decorative capital letter at the beginning of text/paragraph