Friday, October 14, 2011

Review Week 8

Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?
-Designers need to pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition because color is not the only element of a design so he or she needs to make sure it doesn't take away from

Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?
-The color wheel helps graphic designers make new colors from the 12 basic ones. It helps them find a color in between two other colors.

Find an example of neutral colors utilized within a design (hint: google poster design). Near the sample, discuss why you feel the designer included neutral colors within the composition.

In this picture the artist used neutral colors to make the picture have more of a calm feeling. The scene is supposed to quiet and the color is not the most important detail, therefore the colors are more "plain."

Briefly describe how we "see" the color of an object?
-Light bounces or reflects off other objects and the photons send messages to the brain and then we see only the reflected color. All colors hit an object when the wavelengths do but some are absorbed (the colors we do not see).

Research post Title the post: "Steve Jobs"
In this entry post, answer the following questions:

Who is Steve Jobs?
-The CEO of Apple
What company was he CEO for many years?

What did he do for the computer industry?
-invented the ipod
How did this man impact the graphic design industry?
-He made thousands of companies make little designs for their products to be put on the Apple products

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