Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
It is used to draw freely by using a starting and an ending point to make shapes.
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too.
A line or shape made by the pen tool is made up of points that are connected. In order to change the shape or manipulate the path you have to use the white arrow tool to click on the point and use the arrows to change the line.
How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
The layers tool allows you to trace artwork and the later delete the original piece and keep our own. We can do this by putting the picture on one layer, locking it and then adding another layer and drawing on it
How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
In order to make a clipping mask you have to: 
1). Use the rectangle tool
2). Trace exactly where you want the shape of the clipping mask to be (make sure there is no border or fill)
3). Go to object; arrange; send to back
4). Click the black arrow tool and drag it around the whole design (even if it is outside your desired area)
5). Go to object; clipping mask; make

Review Week 5

This picture shows the element of design, texture. The way the colors are painted gives it the appearance of texture. The splotches and drops of browns and grays makes it look old. Even though the poster is obviously flat when i first looked at it, I thought it was actually crinkled and worn.

This picture uses the element line. This poster has many emotions and feeling. Because it's black and white it looks calm but the vertical lines give it a feeling of height and out of reach. Then the few horizontal lines give it a feeling of calm or rest. The random diagonal lines were most likely added to give a feeling of movement or suspense, as if they are about to fall or jump. Also the thin lines are simple and quiet but the few thick lines make a bold statement.

The two pictures show the element space. The use of black and white shows the negative and positive space.

This picture shows the element value. The whole picture is made of different shades of blue

Review Week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
-Icons are basically little symbols that have meaning or represent something. It's much easier and more conveniant to see a little picture and know what it means rather than having to read about the subject. 

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. Post both in this entry.
What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
-Copyright means the creator has the rights to everything that has to do with that piece of work but public domain is where the copyright has expired and it is now open to the public for anyone to use.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class? In other classes?
-In order to avoid plagiarism in this class and every class, we should stay away from just copying and pasting pieces of work as though they are our own. More specifically in this class we need to make sure we don't see something on the internet and recreate it as our own. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 3

What is OSHA? What do the letters stand for?
-Occupational safety and health administration

How can graphic designers effectively communicate? In your own words, explain the communication process.
-images, text, clear designs
-The message must be clearly portrayed in the image or icon so that the reader will understand the idea. If the reader has a clear understanding of the idea then he/she will be able to give feedback or express his or her own ideas and thoughts. 

Understanding the history, culture and movements of fine and graphic arts will make you a better producer of visual messages. Why?
-By understanding the history we will be able to know what works and which things we should use to do certain projects or tasks

Friday, September 2, 2011

Podcast #1 Elements of Design

What does it take to create good graphic design?
-Requires an understaning of the elements of graphic design

What is the difference between elements and principles?
-Elements are the things we actually design and add to a piece of art
-Principles tell us how we should organize elements on a page

Name the six (6) elements of design.
1. line
2. shape/form
3. space
4. texture
5. value
6. color

What can lines aid in, when alone or combined with  other lines or shapes?
-Message of the design

Which lines suggest a feeling of rest? Why do you think?
-Horizontal lines because they lay flat and are calm

Vertical lines communicate a feeling of what? Why do you think?
-Height because they are taller

What lines suggest a feeling of movement? Why do you think?
-diagonal because the line doesn’t stay straight it moves up/down and across like something moving around the page

Soft, shallow curved lines suggest what? Why do you think?
-comfort, safety and relaxation because the lines are smooth and not sudden straight turns. (used in vehicle commercials)

These lines suggest confusion and turbulence? Why do you think?
-Deep curves because they are bolder and more noticable

What element defines a specific area of space?

What is the difference between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes?
-2d has width and height
-3d has depth, width and height

Describe the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes?
-geometric shapes are symtrical such as: squares, circles, triangles
-organic are found in nature or man made; irregular

What are abstract shapes?
-over simplified versions of natural shapes

Which basic shape projects an attitude of honesty or equality?

What do triangles suggest?
-action, stability pyramid

Circles convey feelings of what?
-protection and infinity

Describe positive space and negative space?
-positive is the objects and elements used such as: text graphics photos lines shapes
-negative is the space around and between objects/elements; place for the eye to rest

What is texture?
-actual surface of a design (touchable) implied by use of rich layer graphics

Incorporating texture into a design can help do what?
-create a feeling of richness and depth

What is value?
-degree of light and dark in design. Black/white. Depth and perception

What is another name for value?

What can the element of color do when incorporated into a design?
-convery moods, create images, attract attention, and idenity objects

Intro Goals

Why did you take this class?
-I took this class because it sounded really fun and interesting. I like trying to figure out how to make things work in a creative way. Also because of my very good friends has been taking graphics for a few years and she loves it; so I decided to try it.

What goals do you have for this class?
-When I started this class I wasn't sure what to expect so I didn't have many goals except that I wanted to make a good grade. Now that class has started and we have begun actually designing things, I want to be able to design fun and creative images that will actually portray an understandable and clear message.