Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
-Icons are basically little symbols that have meaning or represent something. It's much easier and more conveniant to see a little picture and know what it means rather than having to read about the subject. 

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. Post both in this entry.
What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
-Copyright means the creator has the rights to everything that has to do with that piece of work but public domain is where the copyright has expired and it is now open to the public for anyone to use.

How can you avoid plagiarism in this class? In other classes?
-In order to avoid plagiarism in this class and every class, we should stay away from just copying and pasting pieces of work as though they are our own. More specifically in this class we need to make sure we don't see something on the internet and recreate it as our own. 

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