Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
It is used to draw freely by using a starting and an ending point to make shapes.
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too.
A line or shape made by the pen tool is made up of points that are connected. In order to change the shape or manipulate the path you have to use the white arrow tool to click on the point and use the arrows to change the line.
How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
The layers tool allows you to trace artwork and the later delete the original piece and keep our own. We can do this by putting the picture on one layer, locking it and then adding another layer and drawing on it
How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
In order to make a clipping mask you have to: 
1). Use the rectangle tool
2). Trace exactly where you want the shape of the clipping mask to be (make sure there is no border or fill)
3). Go to object; arrange; send to back
4). Click the black arrow tool and drag it around the whole design (even if it is outside your desired area)
5). Go to object; clipping mask; make

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