Monday, November 28, 2011

Review Week 13

For each of the 8 principles of design, find an example that utilizes the principle within the design. You should have 8 DIFFERENT sample designs. For each, discuss how the particular principle is used.

The flower contrasts with the faded monotone background because the flower is so bright; it stands out.

The white background emphasizes the red puzzle piece because the redness makes its stand out and become the center of attention

This picture uses proportion/scale by making the bike much larger than the rest of the objects in the picture

This picture utilizes repetition by repeating similar objects numerous times

This picture shows rhythm in the waves because it uses a uniform line style 

This picture shows variety because it has lots of different shapes, sizes, and colors. 

This picture shows balance because it is evenly distributed on each side.

This pictures shows unity because all of the men are placed individually but in a way that appear to be one. 

Also, answer the following questions in your own words.
How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
Add a new layer then connect the existing on with that one with the paperclip tool

Describe the process of using a layer mask?
A layer mask allows you to edit the picture on top and delete certain areas so that the layer attached to it shows up in the background

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