Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stephen Kroninger

What kind of art/design does he produce?
-He uses pieces of artwork and designs and combines and collages them to form new pictures.

In what publications/media studios has his work been featured?
-Children's books, magazines, websites

Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece...

Was this piece published? Where?
-Yes, in NYtimes travel section.

What principles of design were utilized within the piece? How?
-Proportion because the body and physical features are more proportionate to each other.

What elements of design were utilized?

Was this piece published? Where?
-Yes in Entertainment Weekly.

What principles of design were utilized within the piece? How?
-Proportion and scale

-He used irregular, abnormal sizes and scale. For example the physical features are much larger/smaller than they would normally be.

What elements of design were utilized?
-Shape and color

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